“THE VALUE OF WRITERS’ WORKS”: European Writers’ Council 2014 Conference on 3 November 2014 at the European Parliament

Under the kind patronage of MEP Julie Ward, [S&D and UK Labour Party], the event was organised by the European Writers’ Council, and sponsored by the Authors’ Licensing & Collecting Society, and VG Wort.
Proceedings of The Value of Writers' Works conference at the European Parliament (November 2014)
Speakers and topics included:
Opening by Julie Ward MEP, and Dr. Pirjo Hiidenmaa, EWC President
The Writers’ Keynotes: Joanna Trollope OBE, United Kingdom, and Goce Smilevski, 2010 European Union Prize for Literature for the Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).
Towards Fair Contractual Agreements and Practices
Keynote copyright law expert: Prof. Silke von Lewinski, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Germany.
—“European Parliament Study on Contractual Arrangements for Creators: a Focus on the Text Sector.” Dr. María Iglesias, Head of Research and Studies at KEA.
—“Standard Contracts in Publishing: Advantages for Authors and Publishers.” Trond Andreassen, Secretary-General, the Norwegian Non-Fiction Writers and Translators Association.
—Judit Fischer, Policy Officer, European Commission, Directorate General Internal Market, Unit / D1 - Copyright Moderator: Dr. Myriam Diocaretz, EWC Secretary-General
Challenges and Solutions for Remuneration and Compensation
—“What are words worth now?” Barbara Ann Hayes, Deputy CE, ALCS.
—"E-Books: Same content. Improved usage. Less money." Mette Møller, Attorney, Secretary General, the Norwegian Authors' Union.
—“The American Publishing Landscape in the Digital Age: Amazon, E-books, and Contractual Terms.” Jan F. Constantine, General Counsel, The Authors Guild New York.
—“Copyright Levies in the Digital World.” Dr. Robert Staats, Joint CEO of VG Wort, Vice-President of the Society of Audiovisual Authors (SAA).
Moderator: Carmel Azzopardi, EWC Vice-President.
—Mr. Olli Rehn, Vice-President of the European Parliament
See also: European Writers' Council: THE VALUE OF WRITERS' WORK CONFERENCE
Updated: 22-01-2015