8th Athens International Digital Film Festival (AIDFF)

The 8th Athens International Digital Film Festival (AIDFF) will be held from April 11th to April 17th at the historical cinema of Athens "Studio” new star art Cinema. The festival's official program will screen eighty films, from all the New Cinema categories, with many premieres included, coming from thirty countries. The festival promotes the idea of digital cinema and has defined and promoted the concept of New Cinema. AIDFF is one of the few festivals in Europe that embraces all kinds of cinematographic art. Feature films, short films, feature and short documentaries, experimental films, animation, video-art, video-dance, all films that are created with the new digital media have found shelter and, through this condition, a new generation of creators appears with open horizons and without dividing lines.
Cinema lovers will have the opportunity to attend a Tribute titled "Gender Equality, Women’s Support Structures". It is a matter of broad and ever-increasing importance nowadays, as population involvement, due to globalization and widespread immigration, crosses different cultural systems, habits and perceptions. In our new era, it is clear that both legal frameworks and support structures for women are in need of constant adjustment and enlargement in order to understand the new facts and successfully support women who suffer violence in all forms and discrimination (e.g. refugees, immigrants, unemployed, single parents, etc.), coming from different social, educational or cultural backgrounds.
The Tribute will last two days with first-view movies, discussion panels and workshops by scientists and professionals in the field. Greek subtitles have been added to the films.
The Tribute is implemented within the framework of the Operational Program "Public Sector Reform" and is co- financed by the European Union (European Social Fund) and Greek National Funds.
The film tribute has free admission and it’s accessible to disabled people.
In the foyer, the audience of Studio new star art cinema will have the chance to get acquainted with Chicago School of Multimedia. Throughout the festival's screenings, a repetative screening will run on a 110-inch TV of films by new American creators, while viewers will also have a picture of the festival through the teaser and videos of the 8th Festival’s Edition.
Athens International Digital Film festival received the ‘EFFE Label 2019-2020’. EFFE is initiated by the European Festivals Association (EFA), supported by the European Commission and Parliament.
The Festival takes place under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and had the support of City of Athens / Opanda since its first year. The festival is produced by KOYINTA Organization and Tickets Tickets and has partners and cultural correspondents in many cities in Greece and in various countries around the world.
April 11-17, Studio New Star Art Cinema, Spartis and Stavropoulou 33, Amerikis Square
KOUINTA Cultural Organization
in cooperation with
Updated: 27-03-2019