Industry event for screenwriters and producers/directors in Riga

Riga International film festival and their partners 2ANNAS invite you to European Script Meeting in Riga (10 - 14 December), a film industry event where the main focus will be on the story, storytellers and screenwriting professionals.
The occassion will focus on initial concepts and the development of new projects and screenplays, as well as possible future co-productions. Representatives of various project creative teams are invited to submit a brief description of their story, whereupon up to 12 projects will be selected for creative meetings with established and upcoming screenwriting professionals (the participants list, to be updated) to discuss possible co-operation and further steps in the project development. The structure of the event will be organized as individual one-on-one meetings but will not be limited to it. Please find out more about the procedure here.
In addition to meetings, there will be readings and case studies on the international adaptability of film scripts as well as location study tours of Riga and its neighbourhoods. ESM participants will also be welcome to take part in Riga Meetings (9 – 13 December), organized by the National Film Centre of Latvia. It will offer an extensive programme of lectures and masterclasses run by world-class film industry representatives, like Agnieszka Holland and Wim Wenders, as well as meetings with film producers from Latvia and other countries planning to collaborate on film shooting in Latvia.
Participants of the European Script Meeting will be granted accommodation, catering and partial travel expenses.
The event will be held in the framework of the Riga International Film Festival as a significant supplementary initiative in the wake of the European Film Award Ceremony in December 2014, organized by the European Film Academy.
Submission deadline: November 1st; project selection will be made by mid-November, 2014
More information: , Riga IFF
Contact:; +371 26551248
Facebook pages:
- Riga International Film Festival
- 2AnnasIFF
Updated: 21-10-2014