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The European Audiovisual Observatory has just published an IRIS plus Report on the Protection of minors in a converged media environment as a free-to-download PDF. 

Updated: 24-06-2015 | More...

Dear Readers,


Among the legal developments I would like to highlight for this month’s reading, I would say it is also about princesses and wrapping paper.


Caroline of Monaco’s husband was involved in a ECHR case concerning the balancing of the freedom of commercial speech of a tobacco company with the right to respect for private life re the use of Mr. Von Hannover’s name in an advertising campaign, and wrapping paper was at the centre of a Dutch sanctioning procedure in application of the rules concerning avoidable commercial communications on a special website in connection with a daily fictional news show for children aimed at celebrating the birthday of Saint Nicholas (Sinterklaas).

Updated: 28-05-2015 | More...

Proceedings of the European Writers’ Council 2014 Authors’ Rights Conference

Brussels, 3 November 2014

The European Parliament

Updated: 12-05-2015 | More...

The meeting of the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe entitled "Defining Our Rights in the Online Environment" was held on March 26th, 2015 in Brussels. 

Updated: 05-05-2015 | More...


Updated: 29-04-2015 | More...

"The development of the European market for on-demand audiovisual services"


by Christian Grece, André Lange, Agnes Schneeberger and Sophie Valais


European Audiovisual Observatory, March 2015

Updated: 21-04-2015 | More...

France and Germany stress the key role that authors’ right/copyright plays in stimulating cultural diversity, creativity and innovation. Authors’ right/Copyright must continue to fulfil this mission in the digital information and knowledge society. The conditions in which creative activity is carried out, and the dissemination and use of works are rapidly changing. In this context, authors’ right/copyright is an important part, although not the only part, of the legal framework applicable to the production, distribution and use of cultural content in the digital environment.

Updated: 21-04-2015 | More...

The Minister for Culture and Communication of the French Republic and the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism of the Italian Republic;

emphasizing their shared commitment to the protection and promotion of cultural diversity, a fundamental value of 21st century European societies, guaranteed by the UNESCO Convention of 2005 whose 10-year anniversary they are preparing to celebrate;


considering it necessary that the European Union recognizes culture, as well as Heritage, as a central element of the European project and take them into account in all policies and initiatives which it conducts, including as part of the mid term review of the 2020 Strategy;

Updated: 21-04-2015 | More...

As the European Commission defines its priorities for the Digital Single Market in order to foster economic growth and job creation in Europe, the undersigned organisations of film makers, producers, screenwriters, authors, technical crews, actors, publishers, broadcasters, distributors, and exhibitors active in the European film and audiovisual landscape are ready to contribute further to achieving those fundamental objectives, in full respect for the diversity of European cultures.

Updated: 19-03-2015 | More...


Updated: 12-03-2015 | More...

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