FSE Paris AI Action Summit 2025- FSE co-signed International Charter “Culture and Innovation”
The Paris AI Summit intends to promote reliable, sustainable and responsible AI. For the first time at this level, intellectual property is being discussed.
FSE AGM 2024 draft minutes
Minutes of the FSE AGM 2024
The draft minutes of the 23rd annual general assembly of the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe which was held in Galway, Ireland, on 4 October 2024 are enclosed.
FSE Insights - Minutes of the December 16, 2024 meeting with the European Commission – Key points for screenwriters
On Monday, December 16, 2024, the FSE participated in a stakeholder meeting organized by the European Commission (DG CONNECT). This session brought together key players from the film and audiovisual sector to address critical topics, including the regulatory framework, funding mechanisms, and market developments.
FSE Insights - Defending the European Private Copying Compensation Scheme
Find enclosed a joint statement from European organizations representing authors, performers, publishers, producers and other rights holders.
FSE Insights - A Call to European Ministers of Culture: Championing a thriving and diverse cultural future for Europe’s film
Find enclosed the joint statement that the FSE has just signed with other European authors' organizations.
FSE Insights - GEMA???? vs OpenAI????: a world first to protect copyright in the face of AI
GEMA is the first collecting society worldwide to file a lawsuit against a provider of generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems for the unlicensed use of protected musical works.
Convocation FSE Annual General Meeting 2024 GALWAY
Convocation to the FSE Annual General Meeting in Galway, Ireland, on Friday 4 October 2024
CULTURE IS DEMOCRACY, DEMOCRACY IS CULTURE: A FERA-FSE Call to Empower European Audiovisual Diversity
FERA and FSE sent their joint congratulations to the MEPs for their election to the European Parliament.
Registration now open for the World Conference of Screenwriters Galway, OCTOBER 2024
July 3, 2024 Registration for the 6th World Conference of Screenwriters to be held in Galway this October 2nd and 3rd is now open at wcos.io for members of Writers Guilds under the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe or the International Affiliation of Writers Guilds.
FSE: Denis Goulette appointed new FSE Délégué Général
David Kavanagh, who has served as Executive Officer of the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe since 2010, after being engaged for several years as member of the Executive Committee, is retiring. Having launched a recruitment process, the Executive Committee of the FSE are happy to announce the appointment of French lawyer Denis Goulette as FSE Délégué Général.
FSE: Joint letter to EU DG Trade on WTO Joint initiative on E-commerce
For your information, please find attached a joint letter signed by FSE, together with other organisations. It deals with the Joint Initiative on E-commerce of WTO (the World Trade Organisation) and the fact that the audiovisual services are not included in the exceptions to the scope of this draft agreement.
SAA News: Happy Europe Day! #EUElections2024
SAA News: Happy Europe Day! #EUElections2024
FSE: Memo on access to CBW Databases
On Tuesday 9 April, FERA and FSE presented to their members the deliverables produced during our joint project with UNI MEI on “Strengthening Collective Bargaining for Audiovisual Creators”, also called the “CBW Project”.
Joint statement on AI and EU AI ACT
13 organisations, amongst others the FSE - representing authors’, performers’ and other creative workers’ organisations - have released a joint statement on generative artificial intelligence and the EU AI Act to call for an effective implementation of the EU AI ACT in order to protect fundamental rights of authors and performers and to safeguard transparency.
New report - Fair remuneration for audiovisual authors and performers in licensing agreements
The European Audiovisual Observatory publishes a new in-depth analysis of the right to remuneration of creative forces in Europe in the licensing process. https://rm.coe.int/iris-plus-2023-03en/1680adec3c
3 docs on EU policies - AI ACT, Buyout Contracts, Statute of the Artist
Newsletter by the Scriptwriters Guild of Franceς (November 2023)
Communiqué de presse : Animation, l'écriture à l'arrêt.
Newsletter by the Scriptwriters Guild of France
(October 2023)
European Film Academy x CRESCINE: Members Survey 2023
You can find some of the results of the survey conducted among the members of the European Film Academy in the framework of the Crescine project, in the link below.
UNESCO event on AI in the audio-visual industry
Film sector on the frontlines: High-level discussion on AI in the audio-visual industry
News from FSE - AGM, WGA, online meetings, new member
To the FSE member guilds
FSE co-signed statement together with 94 signatories
FSE co-signed statement together with 94 signatories: Investing in Europe’s next generation by investing in culture.
FSE: A letter from Carolin Otto, president of the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe, to Minister of Culture & Sport of Greece
Carolin Otto, president of the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe, sent a letter to Lina Mendoni, Minister of Culture & Sport of Greece.
Copyright Directive Press Release & Full Remuneration study
Attached please find the FERA/FSE/SAA press release, which you can widely distribute.
Audiovisual creators welcome a talent-focused EU Parliament position on Creative Europe 2021-2027
The Federation of European Film Directors (FERA), the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe (FSE) and International Federation of Cinematographers (IMAGO) welcome the adoption by the European Parliament of CULT rapporteur Silvia Costa’s report on the proposed Regulation establishing the Creative Europe programme 2021-2027.
New FSE member - Croatia: Croatian Screenwriters and Playwrights Guild
Application Letter SPID
[...] SPID was founded in 2015 and in only three years we have managed to make a mark in the Croatian audiovisual scene as a whole. Numbering sixtyeight members and counting, we represent a wide array of writers – our members work for TV, film, theatre, radio, the gaming industry, new media and comics.
SUMMARY OF THE OFFICIAL DECISIONS taken by the General assembly, composed of the Full members of FSE
FSE Award: the video!
FSE: Defining Our Rights in the Online Environment [Brussels, 26/03/15]
The meeting of the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe entitled "Defining Our Rights in the Online Environment" was held on March 26th, 2015 in Brussels.
Newsletter FSE March 2013
The Newsletter of March 2013 by the Federation of Scriptwriters in Europe. Available at: http://www.scenaristes.org/ 
FSE Newsletter April 2012
See what is available in this issue
FSE Newsletter September 2011
The FSE Newsletter of September 2011 has been published and it is available in the FSE NEWS page
The first edition of European Scriptwriters Festival (RISE)
FSE (Fédération Scénaristes Europe) announce RISE: The First edition of European Scriptwriters Festival (RISE / Rencontres Internationales des Scénaristes Européens).