
3 docs on EU policies - AI ACT, Buyout Contracts, Statute of the Artist

Joint Statement #AIAct
13 organizations, including FSE, issued a joint statement: “For an innovation and creator friendly AI Act ». As the final negotiations for the EU #AIAct are intensifying, FSE, together with 12 authors’, performers’ and creative workers’ organisations urge the EU to agree on a balanced #AIAct that not only fosters the development of AI, but also guarantees a #HumanCentric approach to creation that protects fundamental rights. Transparency is key for innovation and creation to continue to grow for the benefit of all.

Buyout contracts
Attached we enclose a study requested by the JURI Committee on Buyout contracts imposed by platforms in the cultural and creative sector.
This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURI Committee, provides an analysis of buyout contracts imposed by platforms in the cultural and creative sector in EU law. It assess their economic and cultural impact on the creative sector. Policy recommendations are formulated in relation to EU creators’ protection, in light of EU and member states’ implementations.

Statute of the Artist
Better working conditions for artists and cultural workers. On Tuesday, MEPs adopted their proposals for EU measures to improve living and working conditions for professionals working in the art, cultural and creative sectors.

Press release:

Full document attached.

Γλώσσα συνημμένου: Αγγλικά Τύπος: Αρχείο PDF Statute of the Artist
Ενημέρωση: 24-11-2023 16:58 - Μέγεθος: 230.61 KB
Γλώσσα συνημμένου: Αγγλικά Τύπος: Αρχείο PDF Buyout contracts
Ενημέρωση: 24-11-2023 16:58 - Μέγεθος: 879.8 KB
Ενημέρωση: 24-11-2023