
SAA News: Happy Europe Day! #EUElections2024

SAA News: Happy Europe Day! #EUElections2024

 9 MAY

Happy Europe Day!

Today, on Europe Day, the SAA, its members and Patrons share a message about the importance of voting for a Europe that continues to cherish its rich cultural diversity. Read our message to fellow voters and our highlights of what the EU Parliament has done for audiovisual authors during its 9th legislative term 2019-2024. 


Audiovisual authors’ organisations call to vote

SAA members call to vote

Dear fellow citizens,

As filmmakers and their representative organisations, we understand the power of storytelling to inspire change and shape the world we live in. However, there is another powerful tool to make a difference and impact change: our vote.

The European Parliament prepares new laws and take decisions that shape our daily life and that of many others. European legislation, and the work by Members of the European Parliament, make a real difference for the rights of authors. 

Did you know?

✨ Thanks to the Parliament’s efforts, the principle of fair and proportionate remuneration was enshrined in the 2019 EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. As a result, several countries improved the legal protection of audiovisual authors.
✨ The Parliament actively defended the recovery of the cultural sectors following the COVID-19 pandemic and brought attention to the economic insecurity and working conditions of authors and artists
✨ The Parliament raised creators’ concerns against big tech companies, when negotiating the EU Artificial Intelligence Act. Members of the Parliament held big tech accountable for respecting EU copyright law and providing transparency on the content used to train their A.I. models.

Films and culture are not a luxury or forms of entertainment only. They are an essential part of our lives, of telling our stories, our sense of identity and belonging. They foster social cohesion and community. Films and culture are our artistic voices, experiences, and creative productions.

Europe can be proud of its rich cultural production. In 2022, 1 739 feature films were produced in EU countries and 49 000 EU-produced films were screened; 23% of all films available on video-on-demand services were EU films, and 36% of all content broadcasted in the EU was from within the Union. In total, the EU audiovisual market was worth around EUR 95 bn (EAO).  

In the upcoming European elections, your voice matters. In 2019, only half of EU citizens turn up to vote. The global state of democracy is for the first time declining and there are more autocracies than democracies in the world. We can only change this narrative by showing up for a democratic Europe that celebrates its cultural diversity. So, let’s change the turnout and bring our family and friends along in casting our votes.

On 6-9 June, we will vote, and we hope that you will too!


✍???? See here a full list of signatories.


6 ways the EU Parliament supported audiovisual authors

EU Parliament plenary in Strasbourg
The European Parliament prepares new laws and take decisions that shape our daily life. European legislation, and the work by Members of the European Parliament, make a real difference for the rights of authors

✨ The SAA highlighted 6 ways the EU Parliament supported audiovisual authors during its 9th legislative term 2019-2014.
  1. Championed authors’ rights and fair remuneration.
  2. Defended the cultural and creative sectors in times of COVID-19 outbreak.
  3. Spotlighted the working conditions and status of authors and artists.
  4. Mobilised across political parties for culture and authors’ rights.
  5. Supported the promotion and financing of European works.
  6. Celebrated European cinema and cultural diversity.
Read more on our dedicated page, including a selection of extracts from relevant EU Parliament's resolutions.


Conference: Cinema in Action

During the Cannes Film Festival, the EU Parliament is hosting a conference on how cinema can unite the film industry in a common call to encourage people to use their vote in the European elections on 6-9 June.

????️ 18th May, 12:00-13:00, Main Stage (Riviera), Marché du Film. 
RSVP by 17th May


Watch the European Parliament's campaign video with a message to #UseYourVote and that "democracy is a precious gift, passed on to us from previous generations".

Ενημέρωση: 09-05-2024